AIO was founded in 2010 and is a high-tech enterprise specializing in the independent research and development of artificial intelligence and big data software and hardware products for automobiles. The company's core technology is the "Inertial Navigation Software Algorithm," which is applicable to positioning and navigation products using both GPS and Beidou satellite systems. Even in cases of GPS (Beidou) signal drift or loss, precise positioning can still be achieved. AIO has collaborated with 4D Maps and NavInfo to develop automotive inertial navigation products that can provide continuous navigation for over 30 minutes without GPS signals. The "Vehicle Attitude and Driver Behavior Algorithm" records the vehicle's driving attitude, such as "uphill, downhill, left turn, right turn, lateral vibrations, and even collisions or overturning," in real-time through data. It also captures risky driving behaviors such as "sudden acceleration, sudden deceleration, sharp turns, dangerous lane changes, and high-speed driving on bumpy roads." This algorithm can identify potential dangers or even accidents involving collisions or overturning of vehicles.
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